Empowering Global Conservation
for a Sustainable Future
Oreasoc Agriculture at a glance
Oreasoc Agriculture is dedicated to the planning, execution, and operation of agribusiness projects designed to generate significant environmental benefits while delivering tangible advantages to the local communities where they are developed.
Our company is distinguished by a specialized approach that integrates agriculture with sustainability, leading the adoption of efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural practices. This approach enables us to increase productivity while protecting and strengthening essential natural resources for future generations.
Through our initiatives, we promote a future in which global food security and the health of the planet are mutually reinforcing, recognizing the interdependence between them. We are committed to maintaining a strategic balance between environmental conservation and increased agricultural production, using advanced farmland protection and restoration techniques that benefit both ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.
Our environmental and carbon credit generation programs reflect our deep commitment to environmental preservation, making a significant contribution to mitigating climate change, fostering sustainable development and ensuring that our agricultural and land management practices support global ecological balance.
The Quilombolas Communities Environmental Conservation REDD+ Project, the largest and most ambitious initiative of its kind worldwide, demonstrates the scope and depth of our commitment. Through this project, we protect approximately 30 million hectares of land in Brazil, benefiting biodiversity and Quilombolas communities. This work positions us as the largest private land manager in the world, second only to national governments in terms of size. This leadership position is evidence of our ability and dedication to manage vast areas of land with a clear focus on conservation and long-term sustainability.
Our mission is to drive a substantial transformation in global agriculture, uniting productive efficiency with an unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability. We aspire to be a benchmark in the harmonious integration of agricultural production and environmental conservation, establishing a model that favors the planet, contributes to mitigating climate change and promotes the sustainable development of communities.
Our vision is to build a legacy of environmental responsibility, where every project and action contributes effectively to the preservation of the natural environment and the well-being of communities. We are committed to practices that respect and protect the environment, foster the development of local communities, and ensure equity and opportunity for all.

Agriculture Division
This division stands out for leading innovation in agricultural production, incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as precision agriculture, integrated pest and nutrient management. Our focus is on maximizing productivity while minimizing our carbon footprint and preserving essential natural resources.
Through strategic alliances with cooperatives and local producers in Latin America, we ensure highly efficient production that supplies both local and global markets, meeting the most rigorous quality and sustainability standards.

Forests and Biodiversity Division
This division, dedicated to the integrated management of conservation projects, specializes in environmental preservation and reforestation of degraded areas. Our efforts are crucial for CO2 capture, biodiversity restoration and the strengthening of natural habitats.
We work closely and collaboratively with local communities, actively incorporating them in the protection and regeneration processes. This integration is essential to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of our environmental initiatives.

Offset your footprint
At Oreasoc Agriculture we understand that sustainability is a shared commitment that requires the active participation of everyone. Therefore, we offer several alternatives to offset your carbon footprint, contributing directly to environmental protection and sustainable development of local communities. By joining our efforts, you are supporting projects that capture CO2, protect biodiversity and improve the quality of life in rural communities.
Together, we can lead the way to a more sustainable and balanced future.

Quilombolas Enviromental Project
The Quilombolas Communities Environmental Conservation Project is the world’s largest conservation initiative, protecting more than 30 million hectares of rainforest in Brazil for more than 25 years. This effort benefits more than 1,900 Quilombolas communities and contributes to the preservation of more than 20% of the planet’s known species. Through sustainable agricultural practices and the restoration of degraded areas, the project significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and protects global biodiversity.

At Oreasoc Agriculture, we are committed to leading the way to a more sustainable future, combining technological innovation, environmental conservation and community development in each of our initiatives.